
BBL Forever Bare

Dare to be Forever Bare - Reveal beautiful skin!

Treat any area of the body with unwanted hair to reveal beautiful skin and dare to bare soft, silky, supple skin!

The Forever Bare BBL™ Difference:
Forever Bare BBL (BroadBand Light) is the revolutionary new treatment that takes hair removal to the next level.
Kiss goodbye the hassle and discomfort of shaving, painful waxing and tweezing! Using gentle, yet effective BBL energy to heat hair follicles, the Forever Bare BBL treatment is as comfortable as a hot stone massage. The result is hair removal that’s more comfortable, safer, and faster than other traditional treatments.

Revolutionary hair removal procedure that works by building up heat in the follicle using multiple low-fluence pulses instead of one painful high-energy blast.

Schedule Session

Reach out to Dr. Lieberman to book your appointment today!